Fast and affordable internet services available for school and business users. As is always the case with internet provision, services and speeds available vary depending on your location, however we will always try to get you the best service and speed possible.
You should never have to put up with a slow internet connection. Even when you don’t think it is slow, your staff’s productivity could still increase if it was just that little bit quicker.
We offer varying types of internet connection depending on your location and your requirements, including leased lines, ADSL Lines, FTTP (gigafast) and FTTC connections. As with all of our services, we will advise you on what’s best and tailor the solution to your needs.
A reliable internet connection is crucial, and the benefit is increased productivity (and therefore money for your business). With ITHelpDirect as your service provider we will ensure:
ITHelpDirect can also manage connectivity via any major service provider and oversee the installation of new lines even if cables need to be installed under roads leading to your premises.